Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How I Got to Where I Am Now

Recently I have been thinking about God's plan for my life and how I know that I will end up exactly where He needs me to be. I know this because of where I am now. 

I will start with my literal position in the world. I live in the tiny town of Boone and attend Appalachian State University. This came as a surprise to basically everyone at my high school. I graduated something like number 29 in my class of 555. My GPA was 4.46 and I took 6 AP classes. My adviser told me I needed to apply to more rigorous schools, and my teachers willingly filled out recommendations for various schools and scholarships. I applied to UNC Wilmington, App State and UNC Chapel Hill and was accepted to all three school. I am not saying this to brag by any means, but to say that I was "supposed" to go to Carolina.  You should have seen Ms. Douglass' (my AP English teacher) face when I announced to the class that I had turned down Carolina for Appalachian! People ask me all the time why I didn't go to Carolina. It is a hard thing to explain to people who are not Christians, because I don't really have a logical reason. I may say it is because I liked the Elementary Ed program at App better (which is true) but really it is because I know God wanted me at App. I felt peace about it and just knew it was God.

Along with the college I attend is the major I selected. I mentioned before that I took some of the toughest classes offered at Wakefield and got good grades in them. I was also the fist chair cellist junior year and solo cellist senior year in the orchestra. I love music sooo much and music theory just comes naturally to me. I can say the thing I found the most pleasure working hard in was music. But I am not a music major. Not even music education. I am doing Elementary Ed partly because I have always said that was what I was going to do, but also because I honestly can't see myself being so extremely happy doing anything else. I have spent years in prayer over what I should major in, and God has yet to change my heart to desire anything else. 

So maybe people think I am not reaching my potential or just taking the easy way out, I am happy to tell you that they are highly mistaken. I am going to do what God wants me to do, and if it looks foolish to anyone else, too bad.

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